I Love You Dave

I had the opportunity to tell you that on the phone last week when we talked.

That would make you, my dad, my uncle, my brother and Bob Long, Jr. the only men I’ll probably ever say those words to.

Now you’ll never hear those words again.

Yesterday, Monday, you went and had a heart attack that you didn’t survive.

I can’t even begin to tell you how pissed off I am.

We were supposed to go fishing this weekend.

You couldn’t wait till next Monday, could you.

I can already hear your infectious laugh, that one that comes from your gut and I already know you’re response…

“Well now, ain’t that a bitch.”


I imagine you yesterday, suddenly popping up in heaven, standing in front of your good friend Jesus.

You stand there a few seconds, blink a few times and say…

“What the hell man?”

Then you both stand there looking at each other, blink a few times and burst out laughing.


This sucks Dave.

I have my memories of you.

Some photos.

I’ll be downloading The Book of Dave in order to have your words, the words we spoke to each other so often, the words I rely on as the inspiration I need at times.

I’ll always have those.

I know your voice.

I’ll read them in your voice.


Now don’t forget, when you’re hanging around up there with Jesus, looking down, laughing and making fun of me…

Make sure you lean over now and then and let him know that yes, I’m a little rough around the edges, I’m a little more blunt than most can handle, but I mean well.

And try not to laugh too much when you say that.


I’ll see you some day.

We’ll go fishing.

You can bring you’re buddy Jesus along.

I hear he knows a thing or two about fishing.

It’ll be fun.

Till then…

I love ya man.

This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. Sorry to hear about the lost of your friend. I can see in your words what he meant to you. Godspeed. He is probably laughing at the fact that he held you up fishing. The dead get the last laugh sometimes.

    1. We’ve both been busy. His wife was telling me he was really looking forward to getting out on the river…

      Some day.

  2. I’ve learned to accept a lot of things over 62 years, including the absolute inevitability of my own death.

    But I still haven’t quite come to understand the loss of those we love, and those so young.

    I still wonder;”why?”

    Sorry to hear.

    “Love you Man,” said me to you while I can still say it, and you can still hear it.

    1. Love you too, Bob. Now don’t go and do anything stupid on me, will you.

      I can understand choosing to not to speak to someone ever again.

      I don’t like having that decision made for me.

      Especially on the wrong person.

      He was a few years younger than me. That makes it that much worse. Far too soon.

  3. That was an incredible tribute to your friend. I would be proud to know one of my buddies had written that about me.

    1. Thanks Jim. We had one of those nothing is sacred kind of relationships and would laugh till our guts hurt. I’m going to miss that.

  4. That does suck, and to be honest I’d be pissed off too. There really isn’t much anyone can say or do for someone who has lost a good friend like this… Other than tell you I’m pissed off right there with ya.

    May he rest in peace and my condolences to his friends and family.

    1. We met 7 years ago when I started the canoe shop. We’ve kept each other laughing through the tough times we’ve been having during these years. Right up to last week.

      I wanted you to meet him. Another marine, he’s the demo expert on dams. Luckily, he showed me how to do it…

  5. Ken, my sincere condolences. This was a beautiful tribute to a friend and he knows.

  6. My condolences on your loss Ken and a very nice tribute to your friend. He knows.

    1. Thanks Howard. The guy was inches bigger than me and a bear. I would get bear hugs. I’d have to plead to be let go before he broke all my ribs.

      I think he would have enjoyed what I wrote.

  7. This was good to read and took my breathe away. My uncle was an amazing person and through my years he has given me so many words of encouragement. It is good to see that he touched a lot of hearts and thank you for this. My Uncle David was an awesome person and I am glad that he touched other people’s lives as much as mine.

    1. Rachel, he was/is one of the finest human beings I’ve ever got to meet. I tried to write it like we talked to each other, a bit blunt and with a touch of his personality.

      You were lucky to have him as an uncle.

  8. This is so so BEAUTIFUL . Thank-you for sharing your memories of Dave with his Family & Friends! His wife (Veronica) & children were his LIFE!

    1. Fran, I’m glad family and friends have stopped by to read it. And yes, his family was his life. Between Dave and Veronica they’ve turned out some of the finest kids you’d want to meet. A true testament to them both.

    1. I may have to replace my keyboard by the time this is all over Nick. If I don’t get electrocuted first.

  9. Thank you so much for posting this. Dave is my uncle and I know exactly what you are talking about when you mention bear hugs and his sense of humor. I really appreciated the photos.
    Thanks again!
    With love,

    1. Natalie, download all the photos if you want. I don’t have much more, but I’ll be getting them all to Veronica in the next few days.

      I like the last shot of him, standing in the sunset. We used to call it Church of the Holy Fish. Hard to find a building, a cathedral, that can match that.

      I will miss those hugs and that laugh.

  10. Ken,
    Reading your excellent tribute to your departed friend reminds me of my visit last evening to an ancient, beautiful church in Santa Fe, the St. Francis of Assisi, which was powerful for me (whose usual idea of church is standing in a trout stream) and even had a stunning fish design inside it. However, your tribute and the photo of your bud standing in the “Church of the Holy Fish” comes across more real to me than any of the gorgeous symbology offered by the St. Francis. Thanks, and my condolences….

    1. Walt, Church of the Holy Fish has been it’s name for a quite a few years.

      Services every Sunday morning on flowing water somewhere…

      Growing up Catholic, St. Francis of Assisi always held a certain fascination for me. One day I would like to go to Italy to see the cathedrals.

  11. So sorry to hear about Dave. Your post is such a wonderfully written tribute that it makes me want to know him, yet it makes me feel like I did in a way. Condolences to his family and friends.

    1. Today was/is his birthday. He would have been 53. That’s far too young. He was well worth getting to know. His family has been reading this, I’m sure they appreciate the condolences from those that never even got to meet him.

  12. Thanks for introducing me to your friend on my unintended wander to your site. I’m touched, inspired; enjoying his posts now.

    1. Thanks Mark. I haven’t been writing much this summer any way, so I’m leaving this one up at the top for awhile.

      He always told me… if you’re such an agnostic, atheist, non-believer, why do you read my stuff?

      Never did have a good answer.

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