A Rare Sunny Day

A Rare Sunny Day

Last weekend I was presented with a rare sunny day.

That’s not quite the whole truth.

I’ve noticed during the week there are a number of them, but during the week they don’t matter.

Like many, I’m stuck indoors counting the minutes till the work day ends.

Since we’re in the middle of Daylight Savings Time, by the time I leave work and get far enough west, far enough away from the blandness that is the Chicago western suburbs, the sun is gone.

It’s dark.

If only I had that one extra hour.

So last weekend I had one of those rare sunny weekend days.

Only one and I feel lucky to get that lately.

That one sunny day makes a person manic.

Desperate to get out and soak up some sunshine.

Desperate to catch light and shadow, color and contrast that these gray days destroy.

Quality of image takes a backseat to quantity.

Shoot and shoot and shoot a few more.

Not sure I can say, nice image.

I can say, nice light.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. You’re refining your craft. I love it. A new love in your life.

    1. Thanks Howard. The love of snapshots has always been around. Having a new toy to play with helps. Problem is, too many buttons, menu choices, possible settings… I’m never going to really learn how to use this thing.

      1. I have the same problem with the new smartphone my wife got me. It’s my first and last. Too many things to try.

        1. My phone is for, well, phone calls and that’s it. For a one time computer consultant and using a Mac for over 25 years, I sure hate technology. Go figure.

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