ChatGPT Fly Fishing Creeks

ChatGPT Fly Fishing Creeks

The debate about AI and its value seems to have taken on its own life. Every day it seems more articles appear. Half are dooming and glooming over AI’s ability to not only change and eliminate the workforce, but to completely destroy life as we know it. According to them we will no longer know if what we’re reading is true or not.

The other half are ecstatic over how the workforce will change and look forward to the change. This half discredits the overall doom and gloom of destroying the world and they pooh pooh the manipulation of the population through questionable writing.

I no longer have to worry about the workforce effects, I’ve quit working and if they want to use AI to completely take over the Graphics Industry, have at it. That industry sucks anyway. And as for AI taking over writing and manipulating us on a daily basis, this has never been a problem for me. I came of age in the Vietnam years where we were lied to on a daily basis. When I was 18 my dad gave me some advice… Question Everything and Trust No One.

And that’s what I do.

In a way I can see how AI can vastly improve communications. I think I’ve shown in my other recent postings that ChatGPT does a halfway decent job of just making things up. I’ve seen samples of how others are using ChatGPT for work related communications. I can’t comment on this one way or the other since I think all work related communications are pure bullshit, but I guess if you have to take it seriously ChatGPT does a decent job on corporate communications. Lord knows that over the years I’ve seen some abominable corporate communications garbage.

I know for a fact that if I were to learn how to use ChatGPT extensively and how to fine tune what I was asking it, it would write fishing, hunting and outdoors stories and articles that are better than 90% of what I see out there now. If I were younger I might take the time to develop a whole magazine, website blog and photographs that prove my point. Of course nobody would know it’s all AI generated, it would never get mentioned. I’ll bet with the right advertising too I could make it profitable.

But at this point, I don’t have the interest in doing that. I’m happy to sit here screwing around with samples and seeing what I can get ChatGPT to do and whether or not it impresses me or not.

My next foray into ChatGPT was to try something completely different. I’ve only gone out fishing specifically for trout on small creeks once. It was up in Wisconsin and except for a few vague references in other writings, I’ve never written anything specific about fishing for trout. I figured if ChatGPT was scraping the internet for things I’ve written, then asking about fly fishing would be a good test to see if that’s what it was doing.

Instead I got a passable story on fly fishing. At least I think so.

This is how it started, I asked ChatGPT to do this:

Write a story about fly fishing creeks for trout.

I had it generate 5 versions, but I’ll just put up one for now. Maybe I’ll put up the other 4 in the order they were generated with no commentary. They’ll just be fly fishing stories.

Version 1

Once upon a time in the picturesque countryside, nestled among rolling hills and babbling brooks, there lived a passionate angler named Jacob. Jacob’s heart belonged to the art of fly fishing, and his favorite pursuit was seeking out the elusive trout in the sparkling creeks that meandered through the landscape.

Every morning, Jacob would rise with the sun, eager to embrace the day’s adventure. Armed with his trusty fly rod, a collection of meticulously crafted flies, and a sense of anticipation, he would set off on his journey. He would wander through lush green meadows, breathing in the crisp morning air and listening to the harmonious symphony of nature.

The first creek on Jacob’s list was Swiftwater Creek, known for its swift currents and deep pools. Jacob approached the water with grace and reverence, knowing that stealth and finesse were key to outsmarting the wily trout. With each cast, he effortlessly sent his fly dancing on the surface of the water, mimicking the delicate movements of an insect. Patiently, he waited for the trout to rise and strike. Suddenly, a flash of silver emerged from the depths, and Jacob’s line tightened. The battle began as the trout fought against the taut line, leaping out of the water in a spectacular display of strength and agility. With expert skill, Jacob gradually reeled in the magnificent fish, admiring its vibrant colors and shimmering scales. As the trout was released back into the creek, Jacob felt a deep sense of gratitude for the connection he had formed with the natural world.

The next creek on Jacob’s itinerary was Whispering Creek, a tranquil oasis hidden within a dense forest. The water here flowed gently, creating inviting pools and riffles that were a haven for trout. Jacob treaded softly, careful not to disturb the delicate ecosystem. His casts were delicate and precise, placing the fly delicately on the surface. As the fly drifted downstream, a trout gracefully rose and took the offering. Jacob set the hook with a swift motion, and the dance between man and fish began anew. This trout, though smaller in size, displayed an equal measure of determination and resilience. After a spirited struggle, the fish was safely brought to Jacob’s net. With a sense of accomplishment, he admired the trout’s unique markings, a testament to its life in the wild.

Throughout the day, Jacob explored various creeks and streams, each with its own character and charm. He encountered challenges, such as overhanging branches and treacherous currents, but he embraced them as part of the adventure. In his pursuit of trout, he discovered not only the satisfaction of a successful catch but also the joy of being immersed in nature. He marveled at the delicate wildflowers that adorned the creek banks, listened to the songs of birds perched in the nearby trees, and observed the graceful dance of dragonflies hovering above the water’s surface.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow across the landscape, Jacob found himself at the final creek of the day, Twilight Creek. The fading light lent an air of enchantment to the surroundings, and the trout seemed to dance with added elegance. Jacob cast his line one last time, relishing in the peacefulness of the moment. And as he brought a beautiful trout to hand, he couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the opportunity to engage in this ancient and timeless pursuit.

With a heart full of contentment, Jacob bid farewell to the creeks, vowing to return again and continue his exploration of their secrets. As he made his way back home, he carried with him not only the memories of the trout he had encountered but also a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things. In the realms of those creeks, Jacob had found solace, inspiration, and a lasting connection to the natural world that would forever enrich his soul.


I hope Jacob, whoever he is, is happy with what ChatGPT wrote about him.

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